C (159/301)

From:Nicholas Clarke
Date:26 Aug 99 at 01:37:10
Subject:Re: ExecBase & 'RESET:starting PC' exception

From: Nicholas Clarke <nclarke@diku.dk>

On Wed, 25 Aug 1999, Gabriele Svelto wrote:

> From: Gabriele Svelto <jlpicard@tiscalinet.it>
> Hello everybody,
> [reset]

What Ben wrote illustrated by 2 lines of code from the kickstart.

00F80000 1114 MOVE.B (A4),-(A0)
00F80002 4EF900F800D2 JMP $00F800D2

$1114.w for id
and pointer to kickstart init in kick+4 ghosted to 4.w at reset. (and also
absolute part of the jmp command)

> BTW, what are exceptions in C++? I'm learning C++ now but I haven't found
> anything about that in the book I'm reading (maybe it's because it is a
> little bit outdated, 1990...).

The lastest I heard was exceptions have been included late in c++ and are
not actually supported widely yet. (I could be wrong though).

If they are supposed to resemble java's exceptions then they are used to
catch errors that occur in a method/function/...
